
Note May 20, 2024

I’m on vacation for the next ten days, and the internet is occasionally going to be spotty. I’m also hoping to work on some side projects, which got me thinking about how I could do some lightweight, offline project management.

I’ve historically used Trello for managing my personal software projects because a simple Kanban flow fits my brain pretty well. I’d love to have something like that locally, but without a network dependency — and still with the option to sync when online.

A quick search online and in the app stores didn’t reveal anything promising. But then I remembered Obsidian has tons of plugins, and, sure enough, there’s a lovely Kanban plugin.

Ten minutes later, after exporting all of my Trello cards to a CSV file and then doing a little regex cleanup, I had everything migrated into Obsidian on my Mac. Just amazing. Nothing but text files, stored locally, and completely under my control. Why didn’t I do this sooner?